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Marketing Techology

Can AI Really Make Go-to-Market More Productive?


Can AI Really Make Go-to-Market More Productive?

Recent studies are shedding light on the impact of AI in the workplace, particularly in the context of B2B go-to-market strategies. The findings reveal a nuanced picture: while AI can significantly boost performance and productivity, it also has limitations, especially in areas requiring accuracy and creativity.

A Harvard Business School study found that consultants using ChatGPT-4 outperformed their non-AI-using counterparts in various tasks, completing more work faster and with higher quality. However, another study highlights how humans, not AI, still produce the most creative ideas.

I explore the concept of "The Jagged Frontier" – the unclear boundary between tasks where AI excels and where it falls short – and the risks of over-reliance on AI, which can lead to disengagement and poorer decision-making.

I present two approaches for integrating AI into workflows: the "Centaur" approach, which clearly divides tasks between humans and machines, and the "Cyborg" approach, which deeply integrates the two.

I discuss the implications of these findings for various aspects of B2B go-to-market, from ABM and content marketing to sales and customer success. I argue that a hybrid approach, combining AI's strengths with human creativity and nuance, is the most effective strategy moving forward.

Discover how to navigate the complex landscape of AI in the workplace and harness its power while avoiding its pitfalls.
